Wait… Before You Get Started!
First of all, congratulations on your wise decision to take charge with your investment in the Seduction Conqueror™ System!
Before you complete today’s order, I just want to make sure you have everything you need. I have found that many of my students who complete this course, come back later for even more paint-by-numbers, hands-on, practice-now-and-put-it-in-action-today training.
For that reason, I would like to save you time and money right now and show you the opportunity to “double down” by adding
“Secrets Of Irresistible Arousal And Closing: How To Go From Talking, To Kissing, To Sex” (And Make Her Think It’s Her Idea)

Would you like an easy-to-follow, A-Z, foolproof roadmap that takes you from flapping your lips to spreading her legs?
How about being SO skilled when you DO kiss and touch her that over half the time she’ll make the first move and jump on you?
Finally, how about having 3 incredibly easy ways to completely eliminate “last minute resistance” that don’t require you to be pushy, violate her boundaries, or seem like you are begging for sex?

Look: it’s a fact that the hotter the woman, the more options she has (and the more men she’s experienced).
And that means there is no room for you to stumble and fumble the ball, when you are just a few short yards from the touchdown – because…
…Smoking Hot Women Don’t Give Out Second Chances!
That’s why you must add this course as you discover how to:
Say 3 easy, seemingly innocent things that get her primed and ready for that “Big Move”
Seamlessly touch her in ways that trigger her automatic “Sexual Selection Triggers” programmed in by millions of years of evolution
Powerfully ERASE your own hesitation or shame around “getting down and dirty” so you show up radiating magnetically-attractive masculine energy
Kiss her like a master lover so she can’t wait to shed her shorts
Use 3 laughably easy ways to eliminate her last-minute resistance without pushing, violating her boundaries, or coming off like you are begging for sex (there’s nothing that turns a woman off more and fills her with contempt than a man that has to beg – please, please avoid this soul-crushing mistake!)

When you “double down” now, you also get these awesome, life-changing bonuses:
Bonus #1 — Buddy to Bedmate: How To Get Out of the Friend Zone And Into the F*ck Zone – here’s an easy, short course with 10 different tips that get that female “friend” eagerly bouncing your boner… and make her think it’s her idea! ($97 value)
Bonus #2 — The Foolproof Guide To Seducing Older Women – this gets MILFs and cougars to be your eager, willing lovers… and you’ll never spend a dollar or dime to do it! ($97 value)
“You’ve Convinced Me, Ross…I’m Going BIG, Right Now. How Do I Upgrade (And How Much Do I Save?)”
If you purchased all these courses separately (which is not even possible as the Secrets Of Irresistble Arousal And Closing Collection is not offered standalone), at full price, your total investment would come out to $204.
But I’ve made it super easy for you to boost your power right now – and save 75% doing so!
Upgrade now, and you will add the “Secrets Of Irresistible Arousal And Closing” to your decision to claim “The Seduction Conqueror System™” for just $54 for both, together.
You’ve spent more that in the past year on just ONE date that went south while you sat there like a frog on a log desperately trying to find the right words so you do not sound like a total fucking moron.
That stops today.
Now, I am literally handing you those words – and those skills.
Please Select Your Investment Option Now
Yes! Thank You Ross! Of course I want to take advantage of this awesome offer! I don’t want to waste time, or have to come back later to TRY to piece all this together, when I know now this will greatly benefit my Seduction mastery and get her in bed even faster. I’d much rather have MORE Girl-Getting Power Now…
No thanks Ross, I already know everything I need to know about getting her primed and ready, overcoming last-minute resistance, kissing like a master lover, and getting her in bed. I know others will use this information to super-charge their girl-getting power and add rocket-fuel to their investment, but I am willing to take my chances!
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